We have dedicated support and repair teams to monitor thousands of connections and repair outages at a moments notice.
Help when you need it
Speed Test
Take the speed test and see how your Internet connection stacks up. Speed Test
Disability Access
Navigation Devices and Additional Solutions Are Available
If you are a customer with a disability needing additional assistance, you may contact us at contactus@connectwithusa.com or call our main number. We are eager to meet your needs.
Phone Service Technical Support
Contact one of our technical specialists at 877-773-8989 for assistance.
Internet Technical Support
At USA Connections, our technical support specialists are always ready to help! Our first priority is to be here for you whenever you need us. We will always provide you with prompt, courteous and excellent service. Call now 877-773-8989.
Constantly Improved Networks
We bust our tails finding opportunities for improvements so that we can increase your speed, improve reliability, and keep you from falling behind in this fast paced tech world.
Our technical support specialists are always ready to help! Please contact us at the first sign of a problem with your internet at 877-773-8989.